
SEAstream #35: Photojournalism with Shane Gross

SEAstream #38: Photojournalism with Shane Gross How can we make people care about ocean conservation? Outside of using numbers and statistics about climate change and human impact, some sea-lovers are hoping visual storytelling and photojournalism can be what encourages real change. We’re thrilled to have a chance to ask our next SEAstream guest this exact question during […]

SEAstream #29: Citizen Science with CoralWatch

“There are not enough scientists to monitor the world’s reefs, and now anyone can help collect valuable coral data.” –CoralWatch For SEAstream #29, we’re excited to present an organisation that focuses on a topic near and dear to our hearts. Join us for a conversation about citizen science in action from a well-established ocean organisation: […]

The Fight Against Seismic Blasting

Along South Africa’s Wild Coast, conservationists, small-scale fishermen, environmental groups, and residents of the Western Cape are coming together to fight seismic blasting and oil exploration by the Shell Corporation. They’ve even drafted up court papers, hoping to keep seismic blasting away from their fishing communities. The court battle, filed against Shell, has garnered attention […]

Bycatch: The Fishing Industry’s Darkest Accident

There is an immense threat facing our ocean wildlife–one that we have the power to influence with our purchases. It’s no secret that the fishing industry is riddled with serious environmental and social challenges, whether it be ocean acidification caused by global warming, depletion of fish stock, plastic pollution, notorious human rights violations of fishermen […]

January 25, 2022 | Tags: , , , ,


In just a single second, 45 tourists have arrived at their destination. That amounts to 1.4 billion tourists in one year. The tourism industry is huge and often it impacts locations that have both outstanding natural beauty and poor infrastructure in place. Tourists deplete the local resources and result in waste which often can’t be well […]

AMA #22 Plastic Gyres

Did you know that our oceans are home to 5 giant islands of floating plastic? These 5 ‘gyres’ used to be big rotating currents of clear, salty water. Unfortunately, the circulating ocean waters have drawn in the pollution from the coasts and surrounding ocean, resulting in patches of concentrated marine debris. Today, the gyres resemble a […]

AMA #16 — Manta Trust

AMA #16 — Manta Trust Photo: Emma Li If you’ve been tuning in to our weekly AMA over the last few months, you’ll have seen and heard some incredible insights into marine biology, ocean conservation and more. This week’s livestream is no different — we’re extremely excited to welcome Flossy Barraud, Education & Outreach Manager for one of the most active […]

AMA #15 — Influence with Impact

AMA #15 — Influence with Impact Image © Ocean Mimic For this week’s AMA, we’ll be focusing on a subject which gets a lot of attention in the crypto world. If you’ve spent more than ten minutes in any crypto project Telegram group, no doubt you’ve seen someone ask a variation on the timeless crypto question: “wen marketing?” — maybe you’ve […]

SEA @ Ocean Innovation Africa

If you follow us on Twitter, or drop by our Telegram regularly, you’ll know that we’re always doing everything we can to get the word out about the SEA project, and about ocean protection — the more people we can get involved, and the more people who are aware of the emergency developing rapidly in our oceans, […]

October 31, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,