
SEA: General Update

It’s been a while since we posted news — we’ve had our heads down for the last few months, taking the opportunity of these wintery economical times to focus on building. There have been some major updates to the Nexus, including huge developments in the VSEA reward program, and we can’t wait to share them with you! Before […]

October 6, 2022 | Tags: , , , ,

Welcoming our new COO, Milan Jandik

If you caught our SEAstream this week (watch again on Twitch), you will have heard the news that SEA has a new COO! It’s a new role, but if you’ve followed our project for a while you’ll recognise the face — our new COO is none other than underwater filmmaker, conservationist and crypto innovator, Milan Jandik. By way […]

The Big Reveal

Back in September this year, we started talking about something big on the horizon — something we couldn’t reveal to much about, something that would transform our project in an explosive way. Since then, it seems like every AMA, every blog post has craftily skirted around a big blank space where some important information should be — we’re sure […]