
The Plastic Pollution Catastrophe in Indonesia

You may have seen them: the harrowing photos of Indonesia’s plastic waste-infested waters. Some figures estimate that one ton of plastic waste is dumped into Indonesian waterways every single minute. Rivers that used to be drinkable are now toxic wastelands. Once biodiverse and thriving, coral reef systems in Indonesia are dying. Plastic bags are entwined […]

The Fight Against Seismic Blasting

Along South Africa’s Wild Coast, conservationists, small-scale fishermen, environmental groups, and residents of the Western Cape are coming together to fight seismic blasting and oil exploration by the Shell Corporation. They’ve even drafted up court papers, hoping to keep seismic blasting away from their fishing communities. The court battle, filed against Shell, has garnered attention […]

AMA 25 — Bycatch with Simon Hilbourne, Founder of Fish Free February

AMA 25 — Bycatch with Simon Hilbourne, Founder of Fish Free February When you throw your fishing line into the water, you never know what might bite. In the commercial fishing industry, this happens on a much larger scale than in your backyard pond. Up to 40% of all fish catch around the world is accidentally caught and […]

Ocean Farming

It’s estimated that in the next 30 years we will have 10 billion mouths to feed. Agriculture is already being pushed to its limits and as a result, it is damaging our planet. Commercial farming is depleting our freshwater, degrading our soil, removing natural habitats and polluting our waters with pesticides and fertilisers. We are […]

AMA #23 Brendon Sing

Sharks are one of the most important species in our oceans, but these magnificent apex predators are unfortunately being fished by the millions every year. They need our help. So, we’re excited to announce our latest AMA with Brendon Sing from Shark Guardian, on the 12th of January at 2 pm UTC, live on Instagram. Originally […]

AMA #20 Sustainable Fishing

We live on a blue planet with an estimated 50–80% of all life in our oceans. We evolved out of the blue like every other living being. While most of the life in our seas has transformed beyond recognition we still can see species from prehistoric times today. Creatures like sharks and jellyfish have been […]

AMA #19 Sharks Need Us

All over the world you’ll easily find people who care about preserving our oceans: You’ll see people shouting through megaphones to free orcas from tanks at Sea World, crowds that gather to clean our beaches of plastic pollution and people donating money to plant corals and mangroves in our seas. — All amazing work! However, sharks are a […]

Good bugs, tax, and token health

Spoiler alert — this story concerns a recently discovered bug in our contract code, but don’t worry — it ends well! Yesterday, someone from our brilliant community contacted us having just bought SEA on PancakeSwap. “I bought 200,000 tokens, and I expected to get 190,000 after the 5% tax. But I received 200,000”. Of course, this immediately raises alarm bells. […]