
AMA #15 — Influence with Impact

AMA #15 — Influence with Impact Image © Ocean Mimic For this week’s AMA, we’ll be focusing on a subject which gets a lot of attention in the crypto world. If you’ve spent more than ten minutes in any crypto project Telegram group, no doubt you’ve seen someone ask a variation on the timeless crypto question: “wen marketing?” — maybe you’ve […]

SEA @ Ocean Innovation Africa

If you follow us on Twitter, or drop by our Telegram regularly, you’ll know that we’re always doing everything we can to get the word out about the SEA project, and about ocean protection — the more people we can get involved, and the more people who are aware of the emergency developing rapidly in our oceans, […]

October 31, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

AMA 13 — Roadmaps & Flexibility

AMA 13 — Roadmaps & Flexibility Our Telegram has been pretty lively over the past few days — mostly centered around questions of the project timeline, the roadmap, our goals, and what’s coming up next for SEA. So, we’re going to dedicate this week’s AMA to answering as many of those questions as we can. If you’ve been tuning in […]

AMA #11 — Kristina & Milan

AMA #11 — Kristina & Milan If you’ve been following our project, you’ll know that over summer we launched the world’s first kickstarter for environmental projects, SEAstarter. And you will also have noticed that, through SEAstarter, we funded the first ever crypto-supported PhD — Kristina Loosen’s project tracking shark populations off the coast of South Africa. This month, Kristina — who is now […]

October 12, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

AMA #10 — SEA Ecosystem

AMA #10 — SEA Ecosystem This week on our livestream series, the SEA team will be talking about our product ecosystem — the SEA network. This encompasses our apps, our token, our partner organisations, and the forthcoming implementation of our main mission — environmental data on blockchain. Can data save us? It’s a hot topic right now. Science is increasingly relying […]

October 5, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

AMA #9–5 Gyres

Our livestream series continues this week, and for our ninth edition we’re joined by Sara Mais from 5 Gyres — another of our pioneering partner organisations. The main focus of 5 Gyres is plastic pollution, so that’s what we’re going to be talking about this week — what do we mean by plastic pollution, how does it get into […]

AMA #8 — FishAct

AMA #8 — FishAct This week on our video AMA, we’re extremely excited to welcome scientific diver, marine biologist and Director of the charity FishAct, Valeska Diemel. Valeska previously worked for Greenpeace, and Seashepherd Germany, before joining FishAct in 2015, and becoming the organisation’s Director in 2016. FishAct are one of SEA’s eight partner organisations, along with […]

September 20, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

AMA #6 — Miriam Staiger

AMA #6 — Miriam Staiger For the sixth edition of our weekly livestream, we’re continuing our efforts to reach out to the marine science community, and bring the work of exceptional organisations and individuals to your attention! This week we’ll be chatting to diver, marine biologist, painter and activist Miriam Staiger. Originally from Germany, Miriam earned her MSc in […]

September 7, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

AMA #5 — Gili Eco Trust

AMA #5 — Gili Eco Trust For this week’s livestream, we’re thrilled to welcome dive instructor, eco-advisor, coral restorer/reef gardener, educator, dive resort manager, Biorock workshop organiser, and Managing Director of Gili Eco Trust, Delphine Robbe. Gili Eco Trust is one of our eight core supported organisations, and we’re extremely excited to dive into the details of their […]

AMA #3 — WeNaturalists

AMA #3 — WeNaturalists In a previous post about our AMA’s we talked about the importance of communication, of networks and open dialogue, in building effective strategies to fight climate change and address the plethora of problems threatening our planet. In the third episode of our weekly video AMA series, we’re very excited to give the chair […]

August 16, 2021 | Tags: , , ,