
AMA #23 Brendon Sing

Sharks are one of the most important species in our oceans, but these magnificent apex predators are unfortunately being fished by the millions every year. They need our help. So, we’re excited to announce our latest AMA with Brendon Sing from Shark Guardian, on the 12th of January at 2 pm UTC, live on Instagram. Originally […]

AMA #22 Plastic Gyres

Did you know that our oceans are home to 5 giant islands of floating plastic? These 5 ‘gyres’ used to be big rotating currents of clear, salty water. Unfortunately, the circulating ocean waters have drawn in the pollution from the coasts and surrounding ocean, resulting in patches of concentrated marine debris. Today, the gyres resemble a […]

AMA #20 Sustainable Fishing

We live on a blue planet with an estimated 50–80% of all life in our oceans. We evolved out of the blue like every other living being. While most of the life in our seas has transformed beyond recognition we still can see species from prehistoric times today. Creatures like sharks and jellyfish have been […]

AMA #16 — Manta Trust

AMA #16 — Manta Trust Photo: Emma Li If you’ve been tuning in to our weekly AMA over the last few months, you’ll have seen and heard some incredible insights into marine biology, ocean conservation and more. This week’s livestream is no different — we’re extremely excited to welcome Flossy Barraud, Education & Outreach Manager for one of the most active […]

AMA #6 — Miriam Staiger

AMA #6 — Miriam Staiger For the sixth edition of our weekly livestream, we’re continuing our efforts to reach out to the marine science community, and bring the work of exceptional organisations and individuals to your attention! This week we’ll be chatting to diver, marine biologist, painter and activist Miriam Staiger. Originally from Germany, Miriam earned her MSc in […]

September 7, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

AMA #2 — Kristina Loosen

AMA #2 — Kristina Loosen On the 11th of August, the second edition of our weekly livestream goes out live on Twitch! Alongside the usual contests, prizes and opportunities to get involved with SEA projects, it will feature marine biologist Kristina Loosen, the mind behind our first supported SEAstarter project. In case you haven’t come across SEAstarter, it’s […]