
SEA Update / February 2024

Hey there, SEA supporters! It’s been a while since our last update, and we have some catching up to do. Over the last six months there have been some extremely positive shifts here at SEA, some big steps forward in our project, and some major advances in our tech. First up, to address the AI-analysed and […]

SEA 2022 Roundup

New Ways To The Future (III) by Simone Tramonte Well folks, there it is — another quick spin round the sun, another cycle of seasons and a whole lot of change. 2022 was a big year for environmentalism, not just because of the rising stakes and accelerating urgency of the climate crisis, but also because these last twelve […]

How can Photojournalism Drive Ocean Conservation?

Stories have great emotional power. By sparking our imaginations and asking us to connect with characters, plots, and themes, stories are undoubtedly one of the strongest forms of communication we have. Visual stories, in particular, are a universal form of communication that inspire emotional responses (and sometimes even action!) in viewers. Environmental photojournalists often aim to […]

SEAstream #35: Photojournalism with Shane Gross

SEAstream #38: Photojournalism with Shane Gross How can we make people care about ocean conservation? Outside of using numbers and statistics about climate change and human impact, some sea-lovers are hoping visual storytelling and photojournalism can be what encourages real change. We’re thrilled to have a chance to ask our next SEAstream guest this exact question during […]

AMA #16 — Manta Trust

AMA #16 — Manta Trust Photo: Emma Li If you’ve been tuning in to our weekly AMA over the last few months, you’ll have seen and heard some incredible insights into marine biology, ocean conservation and more. This week’s livestream is no different — we’re extremely excited to welcome Flossy Barraud, Education & Outreach Manager for one of the most active […]

AMA #15 — Influence with Impact

AMA #15 — Influence with Impact Image © Ocean Mimic For this week’s AMA, we’ll be focusing on a subject which gets a lot of attention in the crypto world. If you’ve spent more than ten minutes in any crypto project Telegram group, no doubt you’ve seen someone ask a variation on the timeless crypto question: “wen marketing?” — maybe you’ve […]

SEA @ Ocean Innovation Africa

If you follow us on Twitter, or drop by our Telegram regularly, you’ll know that we’re always doing everything we can to get the word out about the SEA project, and about ocean protection — the more people we can get involved, and the more people who are aware of the emergency developing rapidly in our oceans, […]

October 31, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

AMA 13 — Roadmaps & Flexibility

AMA 13 — Roadmaps & Flexibility Our Telegram has been pretty lively over the past few days — mostly centered around questions of the project timeline, the roadmap, our goals, and what’s coming up next for SEA. So, we’re going to dedicate this week’s AMA to answering as many of those questions as we can. If you’ve been tuning in […]

AMA #9–5 Gyres

Our livestream series continues this week, and for our ninth edition we’re joined by Sara Mais from 5 Gyres — another of our pioneering partner organisations. The main focus of 5 Gyres is plastic pollution, so that’s what we’re going to be talking about this week — what do we mean by plastic pollution, how does it get into […]