SEA @ Ocean Innovation Africa

October 31, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

If you follow us on Twitter, or drop by our Telegram regularly, you’ll know that we’re always doing everything we can to get the word out about the SEA project, and about ocean protection — the more people we can get involved, and the more people who are aware of the emergency developing rapidly in our oceans, the better our chances of finding solutions. So, next week we’re taking a huge step forward in exposing our project — SEA will be hosting a booth at this year’s Ocean Innovation Africa event!

Ocean Innovation Africa is an annual event held in Cape Town, South Africa. It’s dedicated to fostering innovation in climate tech, ocean conservation, marine science and any forward-thinking initiative that drives positive impact on our oceans — all the stuff that SEA stands for, basically!

The brilliant team who organise the event, Oceanhub Africa, have given us a premium booth right in the heart of the conference to show off our project! It’s going to be a real eye-catcher, with an oversized pull-up banner, huge screen showcasing SEA promotional videos, stunning ocean photography and graphics on display, and space to sit and chat to our (SEA-uniformed!) team about the project. We’re working flat out right now to put together exciting video, graphics and activities to demonstrate the potential of the SEA data network, our token, the SEAstarter support program and the amazing work done by our partner organisations Sea Shepherd, Coral Reef Alliance, Oceanic Preservation Society, 5 Gyres, GreenWave, Gili Eco Trust, FishAct and PADI AWARE Foundation.

We’ll be explaining our mission to over 500 attendees at the live event, handing out our beautifully designed flyers and getting people into conversations about our work; then we’ll be spreading the word online via the virtual days. And what’s more: we’re signed up to elevator-pitch SEA to the entire conference audience as part of a series of exhibitor presentations! So we get chance to deliver a fast, high-impact pitch of the SEA project to 500+ people who are deeply engaged in ocean conservation — scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs and investors.

Another thing we want to achieve at the conference — we’re on a mission to show people that crypto can be sustainable, that the horror stories about Bitcoin mining and energy use don’t apply all crypto projects, and that blockchain can be not only environmentally sound, but also an immensely powerful tool in the struggle against climate emergency. Our flyers have our sustainability infographic on the back, and we expect this to be one of the biggest talking points of the conference for us. And, importantly, all of the materials we’re producing — banners, flyers — are sustainably produced.

Ocean Innovation Africa is a genuinely global platform, with sponsorship and supporters including the French and Canadian governments, Amazon AWS, Mission Blue and other huge organisations — we intend to make the most of this huge opportunity to get as many eyes on the SEA project as possible. And besides SEA, there’s so much going on at the conference — eco-surfboards, sustainable swimwear, kelp forest development, shark barriers, wave energy and loads more — it’s going to be epic!

So, if you’re in the Cape Town area, come down and meet our team on the 5th! Our booth will be manned by our Cryptocurrency & Conservation Advisor, Milan Jandik, and our Marine Science Advisor, Kristina Loosen (who you might know as our very own Shark Girl!). If you’re elsewhere, make sure to tune into the virtual days (8th and 9th). For more info on the event, visit

Hopefully see you there!

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