
How can Photojournalism Drive Ocean Conservation?

Stories have great emotional power. By sparking our imaginations and asking us to connect with characters, plots, and themes, stories are undoubtedly one of the strongest forms of communication we have. Visual stories, in particular, are a universal form of communication that inspire emotional responses (and sometimes even action!) in viewers. Environmental photojournalists often aim to […]

SEA x Aryze

Hot off the press — check out an interview with our CEO James and COO Milan over on Aryze’s blog! The discussion covers the crisis in our oceans, the SEA Nexus, and the potential impact of environmental data. In case you haven’t come across them, Aryze are a fintech organisation pioneering digital currency solutions — full-reserve banking, wallet apps, […]

Talking tech with our CTO, Wolfgang

Wolfgang’s favourite place: Camiguin, an island in the Bohol Sea off the northern coast of Mindanao CTO (Chief Technology Officer) is one of those roles which everyone thinks they understand until you start to dig into it. It used to be a pretty simple proposition — if your company needed tech, you needed a CTO to handle it. […]

Welcoming our new COO, Milan Jandik

If you caught our SEAstream this week (watch again on Twitch), you will have heard the news that SEA has a new COO! It’s a new role, but if you’ve followed our project for a while you’ll recognise the face — our new COO is none other than underwater filmmaker, conservationist and crypto innovator, Milan Jandik. By way […]

The Big Reveal

Back in September this year, we started talking about something big on the horizon — something we couldn’t reveal to much about, something that would transform our project in an explosive way. Since then, it seems like every AMA, every blog post has craftily skirted around a big blank space where some important information should be — we’re sure […]

AMA #15 — Influence with Impact

AMA #15 — Influence with Impact Image © Ocean Mimic For this week’s AMA, we’ll be focusing on a subject which gets a lot of attention in the crypto world. If you’ve spent more than ten minutes in any crypto project Telegram group, no doubt you’ve seen someone ask a variation on the timeless crypto question: “wen marketing?” — maybe you’ve […]

AMA 13 — Roadmaps & Flexibility

AMA 13 — Roadmaps & Flexibility Our Telegram has been pretty lively over the past few days — mostly centered around questions of the project timeline, the roadmap, our goals, and what’s coming up next for SEA. So, we’re going to dedicate this week’s AMA to answering as many of those questions as we can. If you’ve been tuning in […]

AMA #11 — Kristina & Milan

AMA #11 — Kristina & Milan If you’ve been following our project, you’ll know that over summer we launched the world’s first kickstarter for environmental projects, SEAstarter. And you will also have noticed that, through SEAstarter, we funded the first ever crypto-supported PhD — Kristina Loosen’s project tracking shark populations off the coast of South Africa. This month, Kristina — who is now […]

October 12, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

AMA #10 — SEA Ecosystem

AMA #10 — SEA Ecosystem This week on our livestream series, the SEA team will be talking about our product ecosystem — the SEA network. This encompasses our apps, our token, our partner organisations, and the forthcoming implementation of our main mission — environmental data on blockchain. Can data save us? It’s a hot topic right now. Science is increasingly relying […]

October 5, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,