
AMA #8 — FishAct

AMA #8 — FishAct This week on our video AMA, we’re extremely excited to welcome scientific diver, marine biologist and Director of the charity FishAct, Valeska Diemel. Valeska previously worked for Greenpeace, and Seashepherd Germany, before joining FishAct in 2015, and becoming the organisation’s Director in 2016. FishAct are one of SEA’s eight partner organisations, along with […]

September 20, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

Weekly AMA Series

Starting on August 4th, SEA will host a weekly video AMA. Read on for details! Here at SEA, we’re very aware that the best way to get people behind a cause like ocean protection is to talk openly about it — many people are not yet aware of what’s going on with our oceans, or may have some […]