AMA #6 — Miriam Staiger

September 7, 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

AMA #6 — Miriam Staiger

For the sixth edition of our weekly livestream, we’re continuing our efforts to reach out to the marine science community, and bring the work of exceptional organisations and individuals to your attention! This week we’ll be chatting to diver, marine biologist, painter and activist Miriam Staiger.

Originally from Germany, Miriam earned her MSc in marine biology at Stockholm University. In her thesis research with Sharklife Conservation Group in South Africa, she studied the movement patterns and recreational fishing pressures on pregnant Spotted Raggedtooth sharks, and her interests expand to genetics and eDNA, social networks between marine animals, and the human social aspects that influence marine protection.

Miriam has developed a number of different research projects from turtle monitoring to Environmental DNA (eDNA) research, and is currently involved in numerous campaigns including work with the Manta Trust, and the Stop Finning EU initiative to help stop the shark fin trade in Europe. She’s a passionate freediver, having worked as PADI divemaster in Mozambique, and she wants to inspire people to build a connection to the sea and discover the need to protect it.

Miriam is also a painter — check her Instagram for examples of her beautiful work. Her stunning depictions of marine life are designed to inspire a love for the ocean in the viewer, and they’re very effective! Miriam is also working on publishing her first children’s book which, of course, is about a shark.

So, tune in a 18:00 UTC on Wednesday the 7th September on our Twitch channel to hear her talk about her research, her activism, her art and more! And head over to our Twitter right now to ask your questions in advance, and win prizes! As usual, there’ll be the quiz at the end of the livestream, with extra prizes for those who are listening carefully!

More info on the the AMA, the Twitter contest, the quiz, and more:

See you there!

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