Weekly AMA Series

Starting on August 4th, SEA will host a weekly video AMA. Read on for details!

Here at SEA, we’re very aware that the best way to get people behind a cause like ocean protection is to talk openly about it — many people are not yet aware of what’s going on with our oceans, or may have some idea, but might not realise the full extent of the emergency. The problem is so big, and moving so fast, that even those in the know are often out of the loop on urgent new developments and potential crises.

Take plastic waste, for example. It goes without saying that plastic waste is an enormous problem — over 8 million tons of plastic enters our oceans every year, and more than 100 million marine animals die from ingestion, entanglement or other plastic-related problems. If we continue to fill our oceans with plastic at this rate, plastic will outweigh fish by 2050. Given those statistics, you might think that plastic waste is the number one crisis affecting our oceans — it is certainly the focus of many passionate and dynamic ocean protection charities, including several of our partner organisations, who are doing amazing work to reduce the effects of plastic waste on marine life.

But compared to climate change, the plastic waste problem is relatively solvable. We can remove plastic from the oceans, prevent it from entering the oceans in the first place, and reduce our use of plastics. It’s no picnic, but we can make it happen. But can we stop the oceans warming, and acidifying? Can we minimise the effects of global warming and prevent the death of our coral reefs, upon which 25% of ocean life rely? More and more, climate change is clearly emerging as the number one threat to our oceans.

Marine and environmental science moves fast — we’re discovering incredible, terrifying, heartbreaking and awe-inspiring things about our planet literally every day. With every discovery of a new species in the unexplored depths of the ocean, every confirmed species extinction, every breakthrough in environmental science and with every millimeter the sea level rises, our picture of the planet we live on, and our projections for its future, change.

So, we need to talk. We need to talk a lot, and in depth. We don’t need to hear from the spin doctors of governments invested in fossil fuels and preserving the status quo, or the PR departments of corporations involved in the short sighted trash-and-grab exploitation of our environment for profit. We need to hear from the people working on the front lines to protect our oceans, we need to hear what’s happening out there, to understand the changes taking place every day. We need to hear from scientists, filmmakers, activists and the people who witness the reality of climate change, the people who are directly affected by ocean destruction, overfishing, plastic waste.

That’s why we’re launching a weekly video AMA (Ask Me Anything) series — starting on August 4th, and running every Wednesday from then on, we’ll be live on Twitch with the SEA team, our partners, the teams behind our SEAstarter projects, and very special guests from around the world. Every week we’ll attack a different subject — from plastic to climate change, overfishing to oil drilling, species research to climate tech — we’ll bring you the most groundbreaking ideas and people working to protect and restore our oceans and environment, and give you the chance to ask them anything you like.

The weekly AMA’s will be your chance to find out more about SEA, about our projects, what we’re building, and how things are progressing — SEA team members will be in the AMA, ready to answer your questions. We’ll be accepting questions on Twitter in advance, and also live in the chat. There will be time to talk to our special guest of the week, and time to focus on developments in SEA projects.

We won’t all agree. We will have different priorities, we will argue about what’s more important, more urgent. But we’ll agree on one thing — the more frequently we talk about the problems facing our environment, the more people are aware of what’s happening to our oceans, the better our chances of fixing what we’ve broken. Like Greta said, “together and united, we are unstoppable”.

For times and dates of all our upcoming AMA sessions, keep your eye on www.seatoken.org, follow us on Twitter, and join our Telegram family. We can’t wait to see you there!

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